Friday, May 4, 2007

We've never been colder.

Well.. we started our trip from Big White and ended up in Grand Forks our first night. We then biked to Castlegar, and then from there to Creston - from Creston to Yahk, and from Yahk to Fernie, and the whole way Its been either raining or snowing! lol.. So at each of our stops we've been lucky enough to find accomodation with nice warm showers and beds.
We stayed at the cozy quilt motel in Yahk, it was a nice cozy little place,, just like the name. lol. We started our in the morning on day 4 with a nice tail wind on our way our to Fernie.. but that tail wind turned into a headwind, and we were met with the coldest bitter rain. so we were very happy to see the hotel.
Tomorrow we wre going to Lethbridge.. its about 200K's away. we're excited to pass our first hurdle and cross the alberta border..
Time is tight fdor us... especially crossing from east to west like this because opf the changiong time zones and because of things we have to do daily... like clean our bikes,, and make sure we get enough food and rest.. so i can't update my site like i had planned. We have been blessed by a fantastic group of guys that have come along with us to keep us fed and protected by traffic!! We couldn't thank them enough for all the ways they've helped us. One of the support crew has a blog that talks about our trip, and has video and tonnes of pics.. check out that site by CLICKING HERE

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