Wednesday, May 2, 2007

From the send off to day two

We packed up early tuesday morning and were met by a whole group of the fire crew that we worked with all year. A whole crowd of our close friends from Big White came to see us off. Lots of hand shakes and hugs were goin around as we finally finished loading up the support vehicle that would follow us as we started our trip to Toronto. It was a beautiful morning!! LOL.. It was snowing in Big White! The first day of our trip went well... we made great time and rode 197 Kilometers to Grand forks where we set up camp. The camp had hot showers and we had a great dinner. The next morning we began the hard part of the ride - a lot of hills, not really steep, just grinding and neverending. The weather held up untill about 20 K's from Castlegar. We were blinded by rain we we began our decent to our Destination - we arived at an intersection near a hotel and all decided that it would be a good idea to stay here for the evening. Shivering and soaking wet we stood in the lobby waiting for our rooms. Some of us were distracted by a hot tub and soaked for a while till we got our feeling back in our extremities. We are all looking forward to crossing the hardest part of our trip tomorrow. Thank God for hotels. lol. For an even better blog than this one with more video and pictures frmo the trip check out

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