Monday, May 14, 2007

Winnipeg was a real treat, thanks to our new friends!

We have some pretty cool friends in the Winnipeg Police and Fire/Paramedic Department!
We were surprised and happy to see our Police escort pull in front of us as we rode into Winnipeg. With lights flashing and the occasional siren burst in the intersections, we rode into Winnipeg where we met up with 2 other Officers on Bikes who rode with us through the city. They took us around through the city center showing us sights like the parliament buildings, the train station, the parks and cool old buildings. They ended up taking us to a pizza place for lunch where they contacted the Fire Department and had a bunch of the gentlemen from hall#9 come down in a pumper and meet with us.
After lunch, the officers along with the firefighters in the pumper went with us as far as they could go, wishing us a safe and fun trip. George, the driver of the patrol car that led the escort, drove ahead to the Richer Motor Inn and arranged accommodation for the night!
Just as spirits were beginning to sag due to the bad weather, injury and sickness; the kindness shown to us by these people has helped us carry on through our half way mark and on towards the finish line with smiles on our faces.

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