Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day 8, Herbert to Regina.

Smooth sailing into Regina yesterday. More strong tail winds and beautiful blue skies welcoming us into Regina for our rest day on the 9th. The rooms we're staying in were donated by the Holiday Inn Express. They've been so great and helpful... they even brought cookies up to our rooms after we got in on the first day! Our rest day was great, it's good to get stuff done like laundry, etc. Regina is a cool city. We were all itching to see Spiderman3 so we all piled in the van and went out to see it. I've never seen a theatre clear so fast after a movie was done! During the movie, we thought someone was sawing some wood somewhere in the theatre, but it turned out to be Larry, one of our support guys. (he was a having a "power nap") We teased him about it on the way back to the hotel.
We would like to thank the staff at the Regina Fresh Air Experience store for their excellent service and help with the repairs to Scotty's bike after Douggie's rampage.

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